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    (ilya) yacht party baby
    Membre des Sun Babes

    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    Parker Thompson
    Âge : 22
    Lieu de naissance : vancouver, canada
    Quartier.s d'habitation & Colocation : appartement du centre ville avec dante, naim et enzo
    Situation sentimentale : célibataire, pas tellement intéressée à l'idée de se mettre en couple
    Études & Métiers : ingénieure son au Sun Rock
    Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
    Pseudo & pronom IRL : lovebug (marie ; elle)
    Icon : (ilya) yacht party baby 8604ba62ef4a62021fd5084f1f5848a50d677208
    Avatar utilisé : Reneé Rapp
    Crédits : harleystuff (avatar), moi (code profil et signature), sharkloé (bannière signa)
    Multicomptes : jude montgomery, jackson brennan-jobs, ascella omen & eowyn clark
    Description un :
    (ilya) yacht party baby D0fc61b0099761696103968b4d3baa2752911179

    Parker, c'est cette personne qui attire tous les regards quand elle entre dans une pièce. Elle marche d'un pas déterminé, le sourire aux lèvres et elle parle et rit plus fort que tout le monde. Elle ne mâche pas ses mots et n'hésite pas à dire ce qu'elle pense, quitte à vexer la personne en face. Elle déteste suivre les règles et ira toujours à l'encontre de ce que les gens attendent d'elle. Elle enchaine les conquêtes et n'a aucune honte à dire qu'elle aime les rencontres charnelles qui ne durent qu'une nuit. Elle est fun et donne peut-être cette (fausse) impression que rien ne peut l'atteindre. Parker, c'est une force de la nature.

    Séductrice - Ambitieuse - Sociable
    Anticonformiste - Grande gueule

    Elle a deux soeurs et un frère - Elle adore les concerts et festivals de musique - Enchaine les coups d'un soir - Aime s'amuser sans se prendre la tête - Déteste avoir tord - Déteste qu'on se moque de son accent Canadien - Les règles ? Pas la peine de les respecter.
    Warning : Alcool, sexe
    RPS : 83
    Messages : 29552
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    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postDim 17 Mar 2024 - 0:18

    yacht party baby
    16.03.2024 l Miami
    @Parker Thompson & @Ilya Jacobs
    tw : ràs
    I was really surprised to find out that Ilya was here too. Maybe I only told Lukas that I was planning on coming here; I honestly don't remember and haven't been really good at checking my phone in the past week. Although we kind of work together, I don't really know Ilya. I mean... I know him like you know a colleague, but that's pretty much it. Despite that, I didn't hesitate a minute to accept his invitation; because I'm not dumb enough to say no to a party on a yacht, but also because it would probably be interesting to see him outside of work, especially in this kind of environment. White dress code. I decided to wear nice white-beige pants with wide legs and a white strapless lace corset top. My long blond hair is bouncing down my shoulders as I approach the yacht at 8pm. I slide my pink round sunglasses down my nose to take a good look at it, impressed by the luxury I'm not used to.

    "Wow, so you weren't kidding about the yacht," I tell Ilya as I'm getting closer without even paying attention to him, too busy looking at the boat. I turn my head to look at him and push my sunglasses back to the top of my nose, "You look good," I finally tell him. I mean, Ilya is a sexy guy, there's no doubt.

    I'm a bad girlfriend

    Absente du 9 au 25 juillet
    À Boston ou ailleurs

    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    Ilya Jacobs
    MODÉRATION & ANIMATION / CITIZENÀ Boston ou ailleurs
    Âge : 28
    Lieu de naissance : rotterdam, pays-bas.
    Quartier.s d'habitation & Colocation : city center.
    Situation sentimentale : célibataire.
    Études & Métiers : producteur de musique, l'homme orchestre, jamais à l'abri de poser quelques mots sur papier ni de jouer d'un instrument.
    Date d'inscription : 10/06/2023
    Pseudo & pronom IRL : otherside (she/her)
    Icon : (ilya) yacht party baby 98a13990ff81c53d8108984926cb63041c3deeca
    Avatar utilisé : g-eazy.
    Crédits : polaroid papers (avatars) endlesslove (signa) hobaboy, indicresources (icon)
    Multicomptes : milo (s.stan), giorgia (j.chastain) & flora (a.saintmleux)
    Description un :
    (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_inline_orib7cvkJC1ujv2wb_540 (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_pdxgctwtB71xxgo0ko6_250
    (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_pj8h6lVxQW1vu1z2co1_500
    Warning : drogue, alcool, manipulation, mensonge, violence physique et verbale.
    RPS : 64
    Messages : 6059
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    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postJeu 28 Mar 2024 - 14:17

    yacht party babymarch 16th l miami, florida
    ft. @Parker Thompson

    ilya could not even remember if he properly read that group conversation after he let lukas know he wasn’t going to be there for a week. restless mind, but still a better communicator than before. he would’ve just vanished. this time, he did so well that he even invited a colleague on a yacht. not that he needed the company, he would’ve found it on the boat for sure. still, it felt like an interesting opportunity to spend some time with a sort of coworker outside of the workplace. dressed in an all-white outfit, semi-open shirt to match the vibe. more interested in what parker was wearing, as she approached him. that strapless corset might be enough for him to stop being the professional he.. wasn’t always, anyway. – I always deliver. so confident you might think he owned that yacht. smile on his face when she finally took a look at him, allowing him to let his eyes wander around, falling on her figure. – and you're overdressed. a little less and she’d be in a bikini, which he wouldn’t hate. a few steps towards the yacht, and he extended his hand to help her get in, closing in right behind her. – how do you feel about being someone else, tonight ? a not so innocent question, just before they approached the fancy guests.

    F L A T L I N E
    life out of control,  how could you pull the plug and let me flatline? ;;
    Membre des Sun Babes

    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    Parker Thompson
    Âge : 22
    Lieu de naissance : vancouver, canada
    Quartier.s d'habitation & Colocation : appartement du centre ville avec dante, naim et enzo
    Situation sentimentale : célibataire, pas tellement intéressée à l'idée de se mettre en couple
    Études & Métiers : ingénieure son au Sun Rock
    Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
    Pseudo & pronom IRL : lovebug (marie ; elle)
    Icon : (ilya) yacht party baby 8604ba62ef4a62021fd5084f1f5848a50d677208
    Avatar utilisé : Reneé Rapp
    Crédits : harleystuff (avatar), moi (code profil et signature), sharkloé (bannière signa)
    Multicomptes : jude montgomery, jackson brennan-jobs, ascella omen & eowyn clark
    Description un :
    (ilya) yacht party baby D0fc61b0099761696103968b4d3baa2752911179

    Parker, c'est cette personne qui attire tous les regards quand elle entre dans une pièce. Elle marche d'un pas déterminé, le sourire aux lèvres et elle parle et rit plus fort que tout le monde. Elle ne mâche pas ses mots et n'hésite pas à dire ce qu'elle pense, quitte à vexer la personne en face. Elle déteste suivre les règles et ira toujours à l'encontre de ce que les gens attendent d'elle. Elle enchaine les conquêtes et n'a aucune honte à dire qu'elle aime les rencontres charnelles qui ne durent qu'une nuit. Elle est fun et donne peut-être cette (fausse) impression que rien ne peut l'atteindre. Parker, c'est une force de la nature.

    Séductrice - Ambitieuse - Sociable
    Anticonformiste - Grande gueule

    Elle a deux soeurs et un frère - Elle adore les concerts et festivals de musique - Enchaine les coups d'un soir - Aime s'amuser sans se prendre la tête - Déteste avoir tord - Déteste qu'on se moque de son accent Canadien - Les règles ? Pas la peine de les respecter.
    Warning : Alcool, sexe
    RPS : 83
    Messages : 29552
    Fiche de présentation :
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    Profil meetsachussets :
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postDim 7 Avr 2024 - 20:58

    yacht party baby
    16.03.2024 l Miami
    @Parker Thompson & @Ilya Jacobs
    tw : language grocier
    I'm honestly surprised. We don't know each other that well, Ilya and I, so I didn't really know what to expect. He said he was invited to this yacht party, but it could have been an old boat with a lame party planned. But as I approach the ship, I feel more and more confident about tonight. I nod when he says he always delivers. "I'll make sure to remember it," I say while taking a quick but effective look at him. And yes, I noticed he did the same. "Overdressed?", I ask, looking down at my clothes. I didn't know if it was a compliment or not, and I honestly didn't really care because I felt goddamn hot tonight. He goes to the yacht and helps me get on it, a smile appearing on my lips when he asks a pretty interesting question. "I can be whoever you want me to be," I say, turning to smile at him. "I can be a super smart scientist on vacation." I shrug, thinking, "Ooh, I could be your new wife, and you brought me here for our honeymoon and be all over each other," which would be fine by me. What happens here stays here, right? "Or I can be your stupid dumb blonde you try to impress to fuck tonight," I whisper with a fake superficial tone, looking at him. "Tell me, what do you have in mind?" I ask. I bet he was thinking about something if he asked me that, right?

    I'm a bad girlfriend

    Absente du 9 au 25 juillet
    À Boston ou ailleurs

    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    Ilya Jacobs
    MODÉRATION & ANIMATION / CITIZENÀ Boston ou ailleurs
    Âge : 28
    Lieu de naissance : rotterdam, pays-bas.
    Quartier.s d'habitation & Colocation : city center.
    Situation sentimentale : célibataire.
    Études & Métiers : producteur de musique, l'homme orchestre, jamais à l'abri de poser quelques mots sur papier ni de jouer d'un instrument.
    Date d'inscription : 10/06/2023
    Pseudo & pronom IRL : otherside (she/her)
    Icon : (ilya) yacht party baby 98a13990ff81c53d8108984926cb63041c3deeca
    Avatar utilisé : g-eazy.
    Crédits : polaroid papers (avatars) endlesslove (signa) hobaboy, indicresources (icon)
    Multicomptes : milo (s.stan), giorgia (j.chastain) & flora (a.saintmleux)
    Description un :
    (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_inline_orib7cvkJC1ujv2wb_540 (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_pdxgctwtB71xxgo0ko6_250
    (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_pj8h6lVxQW1vu1z2co1_500
    Warning : drogue, alcool, manipulation, mensonge, violence physique et verbale.
    RPS : 64
    Messages : 6059
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    Profil meetsachussets :
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postDim 19 Mai 2024 - 12:01

    yacht party babymarch 16th l miami, florida
    ft. @Parker Thompson

    as the list when on, ilya’s smile kept on growing, realizing he hasn’t been wrong and she was probably the perfect person to do that with. – let’s just say I had to twist reality to secure that invitation. and as he was about to fill her in on what he had in mind, and the special role she’d have to play tonight, the two were interrupted. the same guy he was invited by, a few nights ago. – hey man. parker, my wife. dumb smile on his face as he laid his eyes on his newfound wife, hoping her facial expression wouldn’t betray them. very special evening with married couples only, he heard. his single ass wasn’t going to be on that yacht unless he was hitched as well. few hands he started to shake, as they joined the rest of the guests. the same ones he saw that other night, when he tried to find his way towards them. some would call him a pathological liar, but he would say he just didn’t take shit seriously, allowing himself to be someone else in miami. ilya got closer to parker, making sure the rest of them wouldn’t hear a thing. – bunch of rich fuckers. this one, he’s an agent. his artist is coming to boston in a few weeks. he gave her an insisting look, trying to make sure she was understanding the situation. he wanted to get in the studio with that artist and for that, he needed to get close to the agent.

    F L A T L I N E
    life out of control,  how could you pull the plug and let me flatline? ;;
    Membre des Sun Babes

    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    Parker Thompson
    Âge : 22
    Lieu de naissance : vancouver, canada
    Quartier.s d'habitation & Colocation : appartement du centre ville avec dante, naim et enzo
    Situation sentimentale : célibataire, pas tellement intéressée à l'idée de se mettre en couple
    Études & Métiers : ingénieure son au Sun Rock
    Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
    Pseudo & pronom IRL : lovebug (marie ; elle)
    Icon : (ilya) yacht party baby 8604ba62ef4a62021fd5084f1f5848a50d677208
    Avatar utilisé : Reneé Rapp
    Crédits : harleystuff (avatar), moi (code profil et signature), sharkloé (bannière signa)
    Multicomptes : jude montgomery, jackson brennan-jobs, ascella omen & eowyn clark
    Description un :
    (ilya) yacht party baby D0fc61b0099761696103968b4d3baa2752911179

    Parker, c'est cette personne qui attire tous les regards quand elle entre dans une pièce. Elle marche d'un pas déterminé, le sourire aux lèvres et elle parle et rit plus fort que tout le monde. Elle ne mâche pas ses mots et n'hésite pas à dire ce qu'elle pense, quitte à vexer la personne en face. Elle déteste suivre les règles et ira toujours à l'encontre de ce que les gens attendent d'elle. Elle enchaine les conquêtes et n'a aucune honte à dire qu'elle aime les rencontres charnelles qui ne durent qu'une nuit. Elle est fun et donne peut-être cette (fausse) impression que rien ne peut l'atteindre. Parker, c'est une force de la nature.

    Séductrice - Ambitieuse - Sociable
    Anticonformiste - Grande gueule

    Elle a deux soeurs et un frère - Elle adore les concerts et festivals de musique - Enchaine les coups d'un soir - Aime s'amuser sans se prendre la tête - Déteste avoir tord - Déteste qu'on se moque de son accent Canadien - Les règles ? Pas la peine de les respecter.
    Warning : Alcool, sexe
    RPS : 83
    Messages : 29552
    Fiche de présentation :
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    Profil meetsachussets :
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postDim 26 Mai 2024 - 21:58

    yacht party baby
    16.03.2024 l Miami
    @Parker Thompson & @Ilya Jacobs
    tw : language grocier
    He had to twist reality to secure an invitation. I'm about to ask him what he means by that, but I don't have to. The guy heading towards us smells like money, and when I look around and see all these couples in pure white, I have the exact same feeling. A huge fake-ass smile is frozen on my face as my hand slowly goes down Ilya's back while he introduces me as his wife. "It's so nice to meet you!" I tell the stranger in a higher pitch than usual. If I'm gonna act, I'm gonna act all the way in; you can trust me on that. "Your yacht is amazing, thank you so much for having us." Rich people are polite, aren't they? Of course, I give all of them the same smile when we go say hi, and my hand stays on my one-night-only husband's back the entire time to make sure I stay close to him. When Ilya explains the situation, I understand immediately and can't help but smirk a little. I love it. I love why we are here, and I love his plan. "I see." I answer. My free hand searches inside my purse, and I take out my phone, pretending to be annoyed. "Hold on, honey, the Boston Globe is calling me. They keep pushing for an interview. I think we made quite an impression with the Sun's reopening." I make sure to talk loud enough so that everyone can hear how a renowned newspaper is trying to talk to us. A quick kiss on his cheek, and I walk away for a few minutes, pretending to be on the phone, talking loud enough so anyone can hear me talking to a fictional journalist about how we've been in contact with a lot of agents lately and we don't really need publicity because everyone knows who we are on the East Coast.

    I'm a bad girlfriend

    Absente du 9 au 25 juillet
    À Boston ou ailleurs

    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    Ilya Jacobs
    MODÉRATION & ANIMATION / CITIZENÀ Boston ou ailleurs
    Âge : 28
    Lieu de naissance : rotterdam, pays-bas.
    Quartier.s d'habitation & Colocation : city center.
    Situation sentimentale : célibataire.
    Études & Métiers : producteur de musique, l'homme orchestre, jamais à l'abri de poser quelques mots sur papier ni de jouer d'un instrument.
    Date d'inscription : 10/06/2023
    Pseudo & pronom IRL : otherside (she/her)
    Icon : (ilya) yacht party baby 98a13990ff81c53d8108984926cb63041c3deeca
    Avatar utilisé : g-eazy.
    Crédits : polaroid papers (avatars) endlesslove (signa) hobaboy, indicresources (icon)
    Multicomptes : milo (s.stan), giorgia (j.chastain) & flora (a.saintmleux)
    Description un :
    (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_inline_orib7cvkJC1ujv2wb_540 (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_pdxgctwtB71xxgo0ko6_250
    (ilya) yacht party baby Tumblr_pj8h6lVxQW1vu1z2co1_500
    Warning : drogue, alcool, manipulation, mensonge, violence physique et verbale.
    RPS : 64
    Messages : 6059
    Fiche de présentation :
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    Fiche de liens :
    Profil meetsachussets :
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postVen 12 Juil 2024 - 14:14

    yacht party babymarch 16th l miami, florida
    ft. @Parker Thompson

    it took everything within himself not to laugh at her new voice, really leaning into the wife persona. seeing he didn’t have to do much to help her out, he simply smiled and said hi to everyone, while feeling his fake wife’s hand on his back. perhaps he should’ve extended that role for a couple of days, because he could only see the benefits. what he didn’t expect, was to see parker suddenly switch after his explanation and take out her phone. he wouldn’t let anything betray them, so he simply nodded while being incredibly impressed inside. no doubt, he chose the best person to do this with and he didn’t even know it ten minutes before. as she left the group, she spoke a little loud so everyone could hear and he got closer to the other boys. – sorry guys, she’s a little annoyed but it’s been like this for weeks. but you know what it’s like, right ? fake laugh following. as much as he hated rich people, he wasn’t going to lie, he wanted to be one of them. – we’re both in the music industry, i’m working with artists around boston and as you can see, it’s going pretty well. planting the seeds for his ultimate goal.

    F L A T L I N E
    life out of control,  how could you pull the plug and let me flatline? ;;
    Contenu sponsorisé
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler

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