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    MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman.
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    Pseudo & pronom IRL
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    Lien du postDim 11 Sep - 19:42

    “perfect love is the most beautiful of all frustrations because it is more than one can express.”

    Miwako, Sato

    28 ans 17 Août 1988 à Osaka Officier de police statut
    Fille unique ⚡️ Miwa ⚡️ Assistante de l'inspecteur de police dans la 1ère division ⚡️ Curieuse sur les bords, ce qui l'amène souvent a se confronter aux situations difficiles ⚡️ A beaucoup de tempérament et peut être très critique envers les personnes qui l'entoure ⚡️ Intelligente, ses collègues racontent qu'elle a des allures de détective ⚡️ Plutôt conflictuelle mais peut aussi devenir très gentille, patiente, aimable et maternelle ⚡️ Très courageuse débrouillarde et ne crains pas le danger ⚡️ déterminée ⚡️ responsable ⚡️ très grande gourmande (est capable d'avaler une avalanche de crêpes par jour sans grossir!) ⚡️ sociable ⚡️ amicale ⚡️ caractérielle ⚡️ imprévisible, comme un mystère ⚡️ énergique ⚡️ autoritaire ⚡️ in love des animaux ⚡️ honnête et sincère ⚡️ a la phobie des fantômes ... ⚡️ passionnée des enquêtes ⚡️ extrêmement têtue et bornée ⚡️ compréhensif ⚡️ est un danger potentiellement dangereux une fois énervée ⚡️ une fille remplit d'espoir ⚡️ nostalgique et parvient difficilement a tourner la page ⚡️ a un sens aiguë de la justice ⚡️ sensible émotionnellement ⚡️ très motivée ⚡️ elle a une peur irrationnelle et excessive du surnaturel. A perdu son père très jeune lorsqu'il était en service ⚡️ Matsuda est un sujet difficilement abordable depuis qu'elle la perdu durant l'attentat le Janvier 2013, elle regrette amèrement de ne pas avoir pu le sauver ⚡️ Miwa a reprit le travail que son père a laissé derrière lui ⚡️ Ne sort que très rarement en boite ou karaoké. En général, Yumi lui oblige a venir siroter un verre ⚡️ Ne se sépare jamais de son journal intime ⚡️ Ne crains pas le danger et n'hésite pas a se mettre dans le pétrin pour sauver une personne et est étonnement protectrice.

    par humdrum sur ninetofivehelp
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postDim 11 Sep - 19:42

    Clay Fitz, Cooper
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
    Jay, Tanaka
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

    Bastien, O'Brian
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
    Malachy, O'Leary
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

    prénom, nom
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
    prénom, nom
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postDim 11 Sep - 19:42

    Annalynne, Malcolm
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
    K. Malek, Al-Rahji
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

    Taiana, Marly
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
    prénom, nom
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.

    prénom, nom
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
    prénom, nom
    just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postDim 11 Sep - 20:07
    C'est ouvert, venez, veneeeez ! MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 2511619667 :giggle:
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postLun 12 Sep - 21:49
    Je peux ? MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 1365124802 ❤️
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postLun 12 Sep - 22:29
    OF COURSE MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 2438915920 MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 3026748879
    Tu need une amie ? Une confidente ? Une protectrice ? Une conseillère ? Barbie, dis-moi tout ! MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 73120010
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postLun 12 Sep - 22:33
    Je voudrais du positif si possible MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 1365124802 je me disais qu'elles auraient pu être proches MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 1616978029 Malek ressent souvent un manque d'amour depuis qu'elle a perdu sa famille et je me disais que Miwa aurait pu être un peu comme sa famille MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 1616978029 je la voyais comme une amie chaleureuse, chez qui elle pourrait aller quand ça va mal et quand elle a besoin de changer d'air :love2: après c'était une idée que j'avais comme ça, si ça colle pas, on peut trouver autre chose MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 2659158125
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postLun 12 Sep - 22:51
    Toutes les deux ont perdu leurs pères, elles sont faites pour se comprendre et se soutenir ça ne fait aucun doute MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 1508216586 Moi aussi j'avais une préférence pour partir de bon pied et bien sur que j'accepte avec graaaand plaisir d'être une amie de confiance avec qui Malek peut parler ouvertement sans se cacher derrière de faux sourire (Et de toute façon, elle l'aurait devinée ! MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 3997999705 ) La porte sera toujours grande ouverte pour accueillir la belle en cas de besoin, pour se confier ou parler de ses sentiments MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 1839924927 Leurs vécus similaire leurs aurais permi de se rapprocher et naît de leurs amitiés un lien fort entre elles ? Donc en quelque sorte elles sont confidentes MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 1508216586 Dis-moi si je me trompe !
    Pseudo & pronom IRL
    participer à veritas ?les secrets à ne pas révéler
    Lien du postLun 12 Sep - 23:05
    Nan je pense que tout ce que tu viens de dire colle parfaitement à l'idée que je me faisais de leur lien ! :love2: de plus, j'avais pas vu que Miwa avait aussi perdu son papa MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 927261665 c'est sûr que ça ne peut que les rapprocher MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 2659158125 du coup oui, je pense qu'elles pourraient être des confidentes et des amies proches, ça collerait parfaitement MIWA ► A secret makes a woman woman. 2511619667
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