SeoHo Min
est Hors ligneSTUDENT › proud member of harvard university
Dernière visite : Aujourd'hui à 4:41
dans les quartiers pauvres de séoul, corée du sud.
dans un petit appartement au centre de jamaica plain, malheureusement en colocation avec christian depuis mi-septembre.
le roi de la main droite, la méfiance envers les hommes qui te préserve de leur donner ton corps.
redouble sa première année en master of liberal arts program en cybersecurity. serveur dans un restaurant, ton sourire qui fait revenir les mamies du quartier.
acciocake. (she/her)
kim jongin. ♡
ralhiel. (avatar) me. (sign) scatterwind | tumblr (icon)
lion whitaker. (win metawin)
your lil' hacker friend. ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ
christian › january to february 2024. the mistake, way too different, didn't treat you very well.
―― F A M I L Y
suhee › little sister, pnj.
―― C O L O C A T I O N
christian › your last choice on earth, but your only serious choice from people who were interested now that he became poor. hoping it's for some months only and that you'll find better once you'll have more money.
―― F L I R T S
daemin › cute vet across the street.
―― F R I E N D S
sanho › activist, law student friend.
neal › underco.
―― M E E T S M E, 1 S T D A T E S
―― HA T E
19/09 christian › he needs a dollar but he ain't got enough. 24/10 wilhem › that awkward moment. 30/10 daemin › you make me feel so mm-mhm.
› pauvreté › parents absents › hacking › cybercriminalité › délits sexuels numériques en tout genre › activisme.
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